Crafting Strategic Artist Statements and Bios
Take control of your artist story
Artist statements & bios are your chance to tell others the story of you and your art. This course will include instruction through guided writing activities and revision strategies. By the end of this course, you'll have an artist statement, a short biography, and new ideas for future biographical writing.
Your Instructor
Jackie Sizemore is a writer, educator, and an entrepreneur. Her business, Point of View Consulting, is the culmination of a love of craft writing and a desire to help people of all ages in their writing endeavors. From yoga teacher applications to personal statements for science PhD’s, Jackie specializes in guiding others through high-stakes writing. Though raised in the Rust Belt and Tokyo, Idaho and Wyoming are her most recent homes. Her writing has appeared in, or is forthcoming at, Opossum, Eastern Iowa Review, Paper Darts, Crixeo, and GOOD magazine. She is a strong believer in the Oxford comma.